August 2, 2010


Arcade Fire, 'The Suburbs' [Tunes]: The idea behind Arcade Fire's third album, The Suburbs, was born from a picture received from an old boyhood friend, showing a daughter on the friend's shoulders at the mall around the corner from where the band grew up in Houston, Texas. There's a familiarity with places we grew up, and adulthood comes with discoveries and disillusionment away from what we once knew. By now Arcade Fire has grown far beyond its indie-rock roots, and is now capable of selling out arenas. Thankfully, the band is still kind enough to let us all in on the fun, hiring Terry Gilliam (the Monty Python alum who directed Brazil and 12 Monkeys), to direct a free live webcast of Thursday's show at Madison Square Garden.

I Wonder if There's a Madden Video Jinx?: President Obama appears in the new release of the Madden video game franchise. Apparently there are video clips specific to each team visiting the White House when they win the title. How cool would it be to see the '85 Bears doing the Super Bowl Shuffle in front of Reagen on a throwback version?

Red Bull Isn't the Only Thing That Gives Him Wings
: Giants pitcher Tim Lincecum signs an endorsement deal with Red Bull in an attempt top make baseball look cool to kids. Like the secret halfpipe Red Bull built for snowboarder Shawn White, the caffeinated drink company has agreed to build Lincecum a secret pitching mound to help in perfecting his unique pitching motion. Early reports indicate that Timmy has requested the pitching mound be located in Humboldt County.

Selling Out has its Downside: After attaining fame and fortune with a sellout album geared for the masses, the Kings of Leon cancel a show due to a heavy droppings of bird shit all over the band. Bird pooh in the mouth sounds like a higher form of Chinese water torture. Or eating at a Chevy's.

The Best GTL Compliment There Is: The highest paid soccer player in the world, Christiano Ronaldo, is mistaken for Jersey Shore's 'The Situation' at a New York eatery. Word is that everyone realized who it was when Ronaldo fell down clutching his knee after being breathed on by a nearby sommelier.

Those in Nats Town Probably Want to Skip This: A former major league pitching coach compares Stephen Strasburg's throwing motion with Kerry Wood and Mark Prior. Let's hope Strasburg doesn't join them and Brien Taylor on the Mt. Rushmore of failed pitching prospects.

Those in Any Sports City Probably Want to Skip This
: ESPN releases a report showing the unsanitary conditions that food is served to customers at sporting events. Florida leads the way with 7 of the 8 most unsanitary concession stands in the nation. Perhaps those attending Heat games will get the sick to the stomach feeling that Cavaliers fans will have every day for the rest of their NBA fan lives.

A wrap-up video on Maradona's at the World Cup. It's a damn shame that his coaching contract wasn't renewed. Any chance we can start a facebook group to have him replace Ellen on American Idol?

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