April 26, 2010

Links of the Week

The New Pornographers, 'Together': This Vancouver indie supergroup is an all-star gathering each time they play, featuring any one of three distinct lead vocals on their songs. Always providing upbeat rock hits, they are upping the ante on this album, adding collaborations from Okkervil River, St. Vincent and Beirut. Link is streaming through its release on May 4th.

Soccer A-rod: Christiano Ronaldo forces himself into the David Beckham void of "talked about European soccer stars in America" campaign by getting himself hooked up with a reality tv star.

Can we call her Booze Asbos?: A 20 year-old British woman accomplished the impressive feat of getting banned from buying or drinking alcohol anywhere in the country. Cue article and accompanying picture of woman with poorly applied makeup drinking white wine straight from the bottle. Apparently the judge was concerned she was acting like a 40 year-old cougar far too early in life.

Fortune Favors the Timid: A famous comic book artist designs a brilliant magazine cover for Fortune 500...and gets rejected. The high resolution version of the cover needs to be explored for all its subversive commentary. There's a ton going on: underwater homes, a bankrupt Greece, helicopters delivering cash from the Treasury to the tops of skyscrapers, a Stocks 'R Bonds Casino, the 401K Cemetery. Just a shame the design won't be making it to print.

Former Baseball Player Talkin' Baseball: Remember Morgan Ensberg? He's got a blog, he writes about baseball in the majors from a player's perspective, and he certainly loves himself some Jeff Bagwell. Anyone that titles his first blog post "Hey YO!" needs to be heard.

One Shining Moment: An interesting concept to organize one giant worldwide simultaneous photograph. Anyone else think "Being Lazy" will outrank the listed general categories?

We're Out of Ideas: Apparently VH-1 has completely given up on developing new television programming and is letting pre-teens create their own shows via text message at slumber parties.

Rain Delay Theater: Enjoy this video from two college baseball teams passing rain delay downtime with humor. Wouldn't it be great if major league baseball required professional players to entertain its fans like this?

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